Convi Textiles Ltd is a company based in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
"Our mission is to help everyone change their toweling habits so that both households and hospitality businesses can enjoy a luxurious, all-in-one bathroom experience, reduce their bath towel laundry, save money, and most importantly lower their “environmental footprint" !
This includes reducing water usage, energy usage, chemicals, and new towel purchasing and related transport costs, due to wear and tear because of frequent laundry.
We try achieving this mission by giving them a new alternative to towel off after each shower -an all-in-one toweling bathrobe with built-in hair towels so that they can put their minds at rest about where their towels have been before.
#towelingrevolution #peaceofmind #greentoweling
To achieve this mission and create this unique design of ConviRobe™ [patented], we tried to answer the following questions:
Why do hotel customers prefer fresh towels every day?
Why do people wash bath towels every few days at home?
Is there a way to make after-shower toweling more practical?
Is there a way to make after-shower toweling more fun?
Is there a way to make this new way of toweling a SPA like the luxury experience?
And, as a bonus, is there a way to reduce the space needed to hang all the bath towels, especially in families with limited bathroom space?
Please have a look at the links on this website to find out how ConviRobe™ can help in achieving these goals.